We are excited to announce that Zawada Insurance will officially relocate to our new office at 52 Highland Street, Worcester, MA 01609, effective Monday, January 6, 2025

The Top 3 Benefits Of Working With A Local Insurance Agency

The Internet happens to be a remarkable tool that makes purchasing items incredibly convenient and easy for shoppers across the globe. Simply click a button, or better yet an icon and like magic your items appear at the door within a few short days. While online shopping may be the best method of buying products that need little to zero explanation, it tends not to work out so well for products/services that are of a more complex nature. A good example is personal and business insurance policies.

Although you may see a plethora of options when shopping online for automobile insurance, home insurance, life insurance, and even business insurance, the decision as to what coverage you need and at what limits is complicated to say the least. If you select the wrong products and coverage’s within those products, you may very well find yourself paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of pocket when you do need to make a claim.

Many people do not realize that choosing the proper insurance policies is as important to your financial health as exercising and eating properly is to your physical health. So why not leave it up to experts instead of to chance? The following information will provide you with the top three (3) benefits of working with a local insurance agency.

Better Customer Service

Would you rather reach an automated recording or an actual person when you call your insurance company with questions, or worse yet, you need to report a claim? Most of the large insurance companies, especially the ones that primarily conduct business online, have switched to automated systems. That means it is far more difficult to reach the correct person. It is also significantly more time consuming.

On the other hand your local and independent insurance agency will have an actual person to greet you when you call or stop by the office. In the unfortunate event of a claim, your local insurance agent will fully explain exactly what your policy covers. For example, if you have experienced a significant loss due to fire damage to your home or business, your local insurance agent will connect you with a reputable remediation company immediately.

Knowledge Of The Local Area

An important benefit of working with a local insurance agency that most people do not think of is the fact that the agents have first hand knowledge about your community. Many local insurance agents have lived in your area for years. Their information about the community can actually be utilized in order to protect your assets and reduce your risks. For example, an insurance company located in California probably is not familiar with the high water tables in New England that increase the risks of floods when the snow melts in the spring.

A local agent will be able to recommend basement water coverage, which is not included in most homeowners’ insurance policies. Local insurance agencies also have the know how and ability to provide you with seasonal tips that will eliminate or significantly reduce risks such as raking your roof when it snows in order to prevent ice dams.

Saves Both Time And Money

Large insurance companies that promise to significantly reduce your insurance rates may seem to be a cost-effective choice. However, working with a local insurance agency will actually save you money in the long run. Local agents will ask you questions, and take the time needed to become familiar with your exact circumstances, instead of simply providing you with an instant insurance quote and rate. That means your local insurance agent has the ability to ensure that the coverage they design for you will sufficiently protect both you and your assets in the event of a claim.

It is important to fully understand exactly what you are purchasing when it comes to insurance policies. If you have any questions, please call (508) 831-0133 to contact an associate at Zawada Insurance. We are happy to walk you through the details of your insurance policies and explain your coverage options. We look forward to helping you with all of your personal and or business related insurance needs now and in the future.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Zawada Insurance Agency is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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